How And Where To Get Paid Editorial Book Reviews

How and Where to Get Paid Editorial Book Reviews

How And Where To Get Paid Editorial Book Reviews

Now, how do you review a book? Have you ever wondered how a book review is done? If there is any element that differentiates what is a literary review from what is not, if it follows a fixed structure, or if it can be done freely.

Literary blogs have become fashionable, as well as Bookstagram or Instagram accounts that show books and comments about them. But how do book reviews correctly? Do these new media make quality literary criticism? There can be a lot of debate around this topic. We will shed some light on it and offer a guide with ten steps to review a book.

What Is A Book Review?

A book review is a criticism issued by someone who has read it. It is an opinion with more since it tries to offer a summary of the work (where the end can be included or not) where a judgment is included. Nor is it limited to whether whoever offers this verdict likes it. It provides various arguments to justify. A beta reader review is also an excellent way to obtain meaningful feedback on a manuscript.

A literary assessment is also offered, considering technical aspects to which personal opinion is added. In short, a book review is not a criticism but transmits a personal experience about a specific reading and the result it has generated.

What Is The Structure Of A Book Review?

Up to five parts can be detected in a book review, although it is possible to do without any of them:

1. Introduction: In this phase, the book review author provides background information to whoever reads this opinion. It can be a review of the genre that predominates in work, the author’s career, etc. It shouldn’t last long as it can make whoever reads this judgment tune out.

2. Technical data: At this point, the review’s author introduces us to the book he has read: which publisher is in charge of publishing it, the number of pages, and other qualities such as cover design, whether or not illustrations are included, format, etc.

3. Summary of the work: At this point in the review, what we have to do is summarize it, that is, give details of the plot (in the case that it is a novel or short story) or the type of verses that are offered to us and their theme (in the case it deals with a collection of poems).

4. Personal and technical assessment: After giving clues about the book, it is time to talk about the reading experience in the review. Has it been entertaining? Is there anything to improve? Can it be criticized for any specific reason, such as excessive spelling mistakes? Is the plot too flat? Are the characters believable?

5. Conclusion: Would I recommend the book? Is there an audience that can enjoy this work more than another? Through the review, it is time to tell the public if this reading can change someone’s life, brings something new to the genre, or at least be distracting.

Characteristics of a good review:

Knowing the structure of a book review, anyone can start writing one. But how can one be good and help promote a work? These are the points you should keep in mind:

  • Intelligible language: Although you have to use technical language at some points, you have to make sure that most people can understand it. Unless it is a niche reading, you must consider the general public.
  • Brief and concise: There is no need to beat around the bush or fall short. But the truth is that no one likes circumlocutions and lengthening, for nothing ends up boring. Especially when giving technical details about the book, the review should be specific. On the other hand, personal assessment should be made clear instead of embellishing the speech.
  • Objective assessment: The criticism made of the book, through the review, must be based on logical reasons and not just be a text indicating if it has been liked. If the argument has seemed slow or flat, examples must be given to justify it.

10 Steps To Writing A Book Review Like A Pro

10 steps to Writing a Book Review like a Pro

We will start with an introduction where the title of the book, the author, the genre, the publisher, and the date of publication. It may be helpful to do it in the form of a technical sheet, also adding an image of the book cover. A few good reviews allow authors to carry out impactful book marketing. From there, we will continue with the following steps:

1. Position the author and the book within his work

Talking about who the author is and his literary career may be fine. It puts us in a situation about whether we are dealing with a new writer or someone with a piece of more excellent baggage of published titles. If it is someone with a career, briefly review it.

2. Judge the book and place it in its literary context

It is time to assess the book first, synthesizing what it offers and what we have felt from reading it with a sincere opinion. But in addition, we must situate the book in the literary context. For example, if it corresponds to a current academic trend, if it follows another author’s line, if it reminds us of a particular era, or if it is something totally groundbreaking compared to what is currently on the market.

3. We break down the best and the least good with reasoned arguments

After the first impression, we must brainstorm ideas about the book, always with reasoned arguments; give a picture and the reason for that idea. Then, when reviewing a novel, we can talk about the power of its descriptions, the definition of its characters, the narrative rhythm, its plausibility and interest, and the intensity of the dialogues. And engage in something that creaks in your used tone.

4. Inform, educate, and entertain

The reader of the review can be a person with a very diverse profile. We have to get them to read it thoroughly, keep it on our blog for as long as possible, and create an informative review of the book. For this reason, in addition to informing you about the book, we have to make the review agile and entertaining so that you do not get bored and leave at the first opportunity. It will be the perfect combination if we add the possibility of educating him about the literature we are talking about.

5. Hold back when it comes to exposing the synopsis and plot

So far, we have only talked about revealing impressions and opinions about the book, its structure; its writing, its development, or its correction. Still, we must reflect as little as possible about the synopsis and the plot so as not to reveal it. It is something that the user must discover by reading the book if the criticism convinces him.

6. Style, meaning, and symbolic charge

 It is interesting to connect it with the symbolic charge that the book is congruent if, taking advantage of the argument, the author seeks to give a specific message if it has a meaning between the lines or a particular purpose.

7. Thought of the author

Reflect on what the author thinks about the subject of the book. Logically, talking to the writer and reflecting on his thoughts on the book would add something extra. However, the idea is to keep a distance to carry out a more objective review. Still, we can reflect on the thought or possible intention of the writer when shaping this particular book and the topic it addresses.

8. Thinking of the critic on the subject of the book

The literary critic not only offers his vision of the book, but he can also afford the license to provide his image of the subject he addresses, although always in a reasoned and consistent way.

9. “No thrashing, no slobbering.”

A literary review should be an objective criticism of a book. You have to offer an opinion and give some reasons for it, but it should not be an attack on a specific author with which to vent our anger, nor an exaggerated set of praise for the book’s author. Of course, we can see admirers or hate an author, but we must try not to show that as it is in the review, which should focus more on the specific book.

10. Avoid advertising adjectives

Like the best book, the most interesting of the year, an unrepeatable novel, the best that has fallen into my hands, be careful with the advertising adjectives that must remain for advertising. With literary criticism, we must give reasons why it is excellent or terrible, but the reader must provide the adjectives.

The Literary Review for the Reader

Beyond this scientific aspect of literary criticism, there has also been criticism aimed at the general public through reviews, critiques, and book recommendations made in the media. Be the cultural and literary magazines or news media, available information in its cultural sections.

In this sense, in the 19th century, spaces for literary criticism were promoted, and authors practiced it. At the beginning of the 20th century, book publications emerged that served as a visualization for significant literary currents. And, of course, if we ask ourselves what a book review entails, we must bear in mind that the concept has also evolved, and the structure of a review today is different than it was a century ago.

With the advent of the internet, digital magazines, and blogs, literary reviews have increased to a greater extent in these new media, finding a niche that was increasingly reduced in paper publications.

How To Get A Review Professionally?

How to get a review professionally  

When you have just published your novel or are about to do so, you start to worry about what readers will think and how you could make yourself known. An excellent way to promote your book is to get a review on a literary blog, on social networks, or on a YouTube channel. It isn’t easy to achieve when you’re just starting, but you shouldn’t throw in the towel early.

Now we will explain how to achieve it without dying trying and how to do things well so as not to screw up completely.

What The Reviews And Comments Provided

Knowing what readers think about your novel or their feelings while reading others needs to buy it. Think about it. When you buy an item online, you look at the comments to go ahead or reject it, right? It’s the same with books.

If you publish on Amazon, the platform will give you more visibility depending on the number of comments left during the first month, so it is essential to get them. You can carry out book publishing when you have these reviews and comments. If you have zero or known readers who have read the novel, it is time to ask them for a comment a few days after publication. If you get it, that’s what you take.

When you start with a book, especially if it is your first novel, it will take a while for them to talk about you. And much more if you do not advertise appropriately on social networks. Don’t worry, it’s normal. You have to give readers a little time to get to know you. However, there are ways to streamline this process by contacting reviewers before and after publishing.

How To Approach A Book Reviewer

Before your novel goes on the market, it is essential to do some preliminary work: talk about the subsequent publication of your book on social networks or your blog (in moderation), show the cover (if it is striking, it will be much better, since that they will remember it easily) or do a study of blogs, pages, networks or channels that are related to your genre, and that do reviews, of course.

Once you make a list of places where you would like your novel to be discussed, you will have to work. But, as in everything, you have to do things right. If you go out into the world thinking you’re special and you can approach someone with, “this is my book. It’s great. I give it to you, and you review it”, you are not on the right track. What would you feel if someone you don’t know told you that? And if they were fifty? Would you read each of the books?

Reviewers are people. They have tastes and preferences. Also, they need time to dedicate to your novel. Not to mention writing a review, taking a nice photo, or recording a video that needs editing, etc. So, why would they go to such an effort for your novel? What makes it different?

For this to work, it requires a previous process. First, check which blogs or channels interest you or are related to your topic. What genre do you usually read? Whether they collaborate only with publishers is also essential, especially if you are self-published. And then interact with that person. Only be an interested party who goes to the review. Value their comments on social networks, follow, share content, and comment on entries. Make yourself known a few months before the publication date of your book. Please do not rule out smaller places because they can help you grow.

A little before the novel goes on sale, you can tell the reviewer, who is already your acquaintance, that you also write, and you can show him the first chapters to see if he is interested and wants to continue reading. If he accepts, you’re in luck because you’ll soon have a review.

You can also organize a book tour (or a joint reading), something exciting that, if it goes well, can bring you many reviews.

What Does A Book Tour Consist Of?

What does a Book Tour Consist of

Once you have a list of your favorite places, contact them and ask them if they want to participate in a book tour with others, reviewing your next novel. If they don’t know you yet or it’s your first novel, you can send them a fragment so they can see how you write. To those who accept, send them the book in the format you consider (eBook is best) and choose the option you prefer: let them freely publish the review whenever they want, or send them a calendar so they can sign up according to preferred dates.

The idea is to put a margin on time

For example, you can give them a month or two and have them commit to posting the review on different days, so they only overlap a little. Tell them you would like them to comment on the reading on social networks or share photos. The idea is that people will already be hearing about the novel by the day of the release or the first few weeks.

The way to organize the book tour depends a bit on your creativity. You can attach a gift as a different story, or if it is on paper, some markers or a bookmark. Another option is to tell them you will share the review, and among the people who comment or participate, you will raffle the book as an eBook. Anyway, they are just ideas. As you can see, it is open and depends on your preferences and what you can afford. Keep in mind that your main objective is to make yourself known.

Acceptance of collaborations

When more people start talking about your novel, they will most likely write to you asking for a collaboration. You can also reach an agreement with the other person and tell them that you pay half the costs: you the book and she the shipping costs, for example.

The Power Of Instagram

The topic of reviews on Instagram is gaining more and more followers. Now you no longer need to have a blog or a YouTube channel. Instead, you upload your photo with the book and review the reading, just like on any other site. We find it quite interesting, really, and the reviews that have been given to me there are great. The problem is that it gets lost in a sea of photos. You can hire our social media marketing service to get more engagement on your books on different social networks like Instagram.

Above All, Be Well Informed.

Some people ask for collaborations to accumulate paper novels on their shelves and then do not do the reviews. Speak clearly with that person and ask how long it will take. Usually, they take at least a month or two, although some take even less.


You may already be getting close to all of these points that we have touched on in your reviews, or you may follow a different structure but still do excellent reviews. The method can be very diverse; the significant thing is to assume the review of a book with sincerity, objectivity, and professionalism without being guided by influences.

In short, a book review must be approached with knowledge of the work. In addition, it is essential to provide it with ingenuity and an educational tone before turning our blog into a simple publicity showcase praising every book that falls into our hands.

In the market, good and lousy literature has been, is, and will be like that, and the audience knows it. But you also have to remember that there are good and less good blogs and better reviews than others.

1 thought on “How and Where to Get Paid Editorial Book Reviews”

  1. Thank you for telling me the ways of a book review. I wrote a book and share it on social media platforms where I got mixed responses so Is it ok to go on next step or should I get help from social media marketing services that provide book reviews?


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