Proven Editing Tips To Make Readers Love Your Book

Proven Editing Tips To Make Readers Love Your Book

It is not enough for an author to just have a manuscript. To be more precise, that is merely the first step on the path to achieving literary fame. 

It may be prudent to use the services of professional book editors to fix various issues, including typos and grammatical errors.

This post is for anyone who needs help finding a professional ebook editing service. So, let’s read this blog to know everything about editing in the ebook industry. 

What Is A Book Editor?

The job of a book editor includes proofreading the text for errors in grammar, spelling, narrative structure, and format. Their ability to verify information and pay close attention to detail is crucial.

Online networking and personal ties with publishers can lead freelance editors to online editing gigs.

Traditional editors, on the other hand, hold formal roles and have some say over book publication.

Some book editors work closely with authors right from the start, providing extensive feedback and suggestions to help shape their work into a masterpiece.

On the dedication page of their books, numerous best-selling authors thank their editors. 

Importance Of Editing A Book

Writing a manuscript is one thing. Reading a book is an entirely distinct experience. Manuscript editing serves as the intermediary between these two procedures. The act of editing a book ensures that the intended message is conveyed accurately and in a manner that is appropriate.

It is the place where you have the opportunity to evaluate your words and ensure that they have the desired effect. It is the point at which you can identify and eliminate any impediments that may exist between your readers and the words you are expressing. It is the location where you have the opportunity to optimise your book’s potential. It is the location where a book can improve from excellent to great.  

All of this sounds delightful. However, it is important to acknowledge that the process is not always simple or uncomplicated. It is also the location where you will make some of the most critical and challenging decisions regarding your work. It is inherently difficult, time-consuming, laborious, and challenging.

Fortunately, there are measures you can take to simplify and enhance the efficiency of this process.

Types Of Editing

The following are the main types of ebook editing:

  • Self-Editing

Improve your writing skills by self-editing, particularly if this is your initial publication. You develop a comprehensive understanding of the most effective grammatical principles and the most effective method of structuring a narrative. It is recommended that writers conduct at least two rounds of self-editing on their entire manuscript. The initial round should focus on the major elements of the story, such as narrative arcs and story structure, while the subsequent round should focus on the details, such as errors and punctuation.

  • Beta Readers

Sometimes, a trusted acquaintance or fellow writer can offer a second set of eyes to assist in identifying the areas of your book that are lacking and to provide you with essential insight into the reading experience. It has the potential to be very beneficial; however, it can also become complex, and it is crucial to identify the appropriate combination of support and advice.

  • Editing Agency

If you are fortunate enough to be selected by a traditional publisher or agent, you will likely receive guidance from a professional who will assist in preparing your book for the commercial market.  This is the gold standard in numerous respects when it comes to editing a book for publication. This relationship is distinctive in that it is between individuals who have a particular interest in the work in question. Nevertheless, it is not the sole method of achieving results, and a significant amount of revision is typically performed on a book before it is submitted to agents and publishers.  

11 Best Tips To Follow For eBook Editing

Do you want to edit your book? Here are the best tips for book editing:

  • Keep Your Expectations Lowered

It is conceivable that your work will be completely unusable when you begin to edit. I express that sentiment with humility and empathy. No initial draft is deserving of the Pulitzer Prize. The objective of the initial draft is to articulate your thoughts on paper and out of your head. Avoid experiencing feelings of embarrassment when reviewing your initial draft. It is important to bear in mind that its objective is to provide you with all the resources required to develop your own narrative.

  • Get Some Time Off

You have just completed writing your novel and are currently scrolling back up to page one to commence your initial round of edits. No. Not yet. You are excessively intimate with the material. You remain in the same frame of mind as when you first composed the narrative. In order to achieve a degree of objectivity, it is recommended that you leave your novel for a minimum of two weeks prior to editing it. Your perspective will be revitalised upon your return.

  • Print The Manuscript

The majority of us employ computers to compose. However, when it comes to editing, you may find it more convenient to print out your draft and manually annotate it with a red pen. Although it is feasible to edit on a computer, the tactile experience of manual editing can stimulate a distinct perspective. You will eventually return to your computer to complete the adjustments; however, there is a distinct distinction between sitting in a comfortable chair and at a computer desk to make the edits.

This can frequently result in frustration during the writing process, as you will experience a sense of urgency with the former. However, with the latter, you are more likely to savor the re-reading process and take your time.

  • Re-Read It Completely

Upon commencing the editing procedure, you may be inclined to immediately enter correction mode. However, it is preferable to read through your novel without making any revisions. Simply take notes. Use a notebook to document your observations as you read. This will enable you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your novel, which will encompass the pacing, the plotting, the motifs, the recurring themes, and much more.

It is crucial to read and comprehend your novel in its entirety. If you concentrate solely on the minor details, you will fail to perceive the forest for the trees, and it is imperative that you observe both.

  • Read Book Out Loud

Do not simply peruse your manuscript silently while editing it. Read it aloud to yourself. This is an additional method for evaluating rhythm, but it can also assist in the identification of filler content, repetitive words, and awkward phrasing. Your brain is so accustomed to these words and phrases that it reflexively self-corrects before you are aware of the situation. This is the reason why it is effortless to disregard errors when reading discreetly. Nevertheless, when you read audibly to yourself, you will notice what you would typically overlook.

  • Choose Your Words Wisely

The selection of each word in your novel is crucial. Despite the fact that you are composing between 150,000 and 200,000 words, you are still prohibited from rambling or reiterating. For what reason? The manner in which you convey the narrative, particularly the language you employ, becomes an integral component of the experience.

When faced with a choice between two words, it is always advisable to select the simplest option. The vocabulary of the past is not possessed by the average 21st-century reader. In reality, there are individuals who are unaware of the term “of yore.” And that is acceptable. The objective is to prioritise clarity over poetry when it comes to narrative. Your readers will express their gratitude.

  • Don’t Copy

The initial round of revisions is exclusively developmental. The structure should be the primary focus. Analyse the characters who propel the narrative, the sequences, the pacing, the themes, and the overarching narrative. Do not become engrossed in the process of modifying the word choice—at least not initially. That will occur during the subsequent round of editing, following your satisfaction with the narrative. Ultimately, what is the purpose of rectifying punctuation or grammar if the chapter is ultimately eliminated in the final edit?

  • Consider Restructuring

Intrigue should be the starting and ending point of each chapter. Capture the reader’s attention at the outset of the chapter. Push the reader off the cliff at the conclusion of the chapter. However, refrain from permitting them to plummet. Again, retrieve them. Consequently, the cycle persists. A roller-coaster journey into the unknown is a favorite pastime of readers.

In order to guarantee that your narrative generates the essential thrills, it is imperative to evaluate the organization of your chapters. Are you commencing from the appropriate point? Are you concluding at the appropriate time? Would you be able to eliminate certain sections of your chapter in order to enhance the pacing?

Apply the following tips to keep your readers engaged:

  • Eliminate the need for larynx clearing at the beginning of your chapters. It is unnecessary to summarise information that the reader can easily revisit.
  • Arrive at the absolute last minute. You are not required to address every aspect of the character’s dialogue. Concentrate solely on the elements that will advance the narrative.
  • Conclude each chapter with a sense of ambiguity that prompts the reader to contemplate, “I’ll just read one more page.”
  • Know Your Why

Keep in mind the rationale behind your decision at all times during the editing process. What motivated you to compose this narrative? What kind of experience do you envision the reader having as they explore the universe you have created? What should the reader acquire or contemplate as a consequence of perusing your book?

The responses to the aforementioned inquiries will facilitate your editing process by providing you with a clear understanding of the objective of your narrative.

  • Hire Professional eBook Editing Service

However, self-editing is merely the commencement of the editing process. Although self-editing can assist in the identification of obvious errors in your prose and unexplored opportunities within your narrative, it is also restricted. It is impossible to be entirely impartial in one’s narrative. However, without objectivity, it will be impossible to determine whether your narrative aligns with your objectives and resonates with your audience.

This is the point at which a professional editor is necessary. A professional editor comprehends the reader’s expectations and the type of narrative you intend to convey. Your editor can assist you in identifying the genuine essence of your narrative.

It is important to refrain from taking criticism personally when collaborating with an editor. You and your editor share a common objective: to convey the most compelling narrative imaginable.

  • Know When To Quit

The editing procedure has the potential to degenerate into a black hole. Edit until you are satisfied that you have achieved your most significant storytelling objectives, such as illuminating a previously untold story, transporting the reader to a different time or location, or exploring a theme. Editing may be an endless endeavour unless you determine to cease at a certain point. Even years later, upon revisiting your book, you will likely identify various elements that you could have, would have, or should have altered.

Why Do You Need To Hire A Book Editor?

It is imperative that your manuscript is polished and prepared for the eyes of others, regardless of whether you intend to self-publish your own book or submit it to major publishing houses. A book editor will conduct a comprehensive review of your manuscript, contingent upon the extent of the editing required. Developmental editing necessitates a comprehensive approach, while line editing necessitates a more detailed examination. Editors identify methods to enhance the technical and creative quality of your writing.

What Does A Book Editor Do?

In the book publishing industry, professional editors are essential, regardless of whether they are full-time editors at a traditional publishing house or freelancers operating independently. A story is reviewed and revised by an editor who goes page-by-page, line-by-line, and word-by-word to evaluate elements such as grammar, clarity, accuracy, and content. This process ensures that the book is prepared to advance to the next level and is closer to being published.

What Are The Types Of eBook Editing Services?

There are several types of book editing, including:

Copy Editing

The style and tone of a text are the primary concerns of copy editors. Grammar, syntax, spelling, punctuation, and dialogue formatting errors are all corrected.

Their job is to make sure the book makes sense from start to finish by ensuring that each sentence, paragraph, and chapter flows smoothly.

The majority of people usually picture copy editors when they consider book editors.

Developmental Editing

A developmental editor’s job is to find ways to improve an author’s work by fixing things like logical problems, missing characters, and story weaknesses.

Additionally, they highlight problems with nonfiction publications’ structure, unsubstantiated claims, and poor arguments.

A developmental editor is the most expensive form of editor. A single manuscript edited by one of these editors can fetch several thousand dollars, depending on the book’s length.

True developmental editing, according to some sources, occurs long before a writer ever starts writing a word. The editor works closely with the writer from the very beginning to the very end, providing feedback and suggestions at every turn.

Actually, most fiction writers just collaborate with a developmental editor once the book is finished.

A lot of the work that line editors undertake is actually done by developmental editors. When put together, these things are called “substantive.”

Line Editing

Although they go by that name, line editors will not be going through your manuscript page by page. Your book will be edited in a more holistic manner by them.

This is the least prevalent kind of editing as line editing and copy editing are quite similar, but copy editing focuses on a greater area. In order to get the big picture edited, a writer will typically hire a development editor.


After editing is complete, the next step is proofreading. They make sure that a book is free of spelling and grammar mistakes and has correct sentence structure.

The completed formatting was also checked by a number of editors. The author or publisher is notified when their book is ready for printing and publication.

Proofreaders are typically the most affordable editors. Still, it’s reasonable, considering how little time they devote to each manuscript compared to other editors.

It is recommended that authors utilise proofreading programs such as Grammarly or ProWritingAid to identify frequent spelling and grammar errors before hiring a human proofreader. An author has an obligation to provide editors with a complete and high-quality manuscript.

Factors To Consider When Hiring A Book Editor

Do you want to hire professional ebook editing services? Following are the factors to consider to choose the best one for your book:


If you are in the process of writing your first book, you may require multiple types of editing. Additionally, developmental editing can enhance the structure and character development of your work, while copy editing can assist in the refinement of your writing abilities. Some editors even provide ghostwriting services, which involve the creation of content under your name.


Self-editing the initial manuscript is an option for writers to initiate the editing process. Another method of assisting in the development of a story prior to the involvement of a professional editor is to enlist beta readers, who are either paid or volunteer, to read a draft and provide feedback.

Kinds Of Editing Services

Most likely, you will require professional editing in addition to your own revisions. There are various levels of book editing. A developmental editor will provide assistance with content and structure by examining the overall image. You may even involve them in the writing process at an early stage. Sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, word choice, and page flow will be examined by a line editor and copy editor. Basic errors, consistency, and formatting will be examined by a proofreader.

Consider Wordcount

Familiarise yourself with both your word count and page count. Editorial rates are subject to fluctuation; however, they frequently correspond to a cost per word or page. A manuscript containing 100,000 words will be more costly than a book containing 50,000 words.

Complexity Of Your Book

Due to the intricate nature of the editing process, the cost of editing a non-fiction book with a highly specific subject matter will be higher than that of a straightforward narrative. The cost will be increased if fact-checking is required.

Research The Editor’s Expertise

Enquire about the number of years of experience the freelance editor has before hiring them. Additionally, enquire whether they have experience working in-house at a publishing house, which is advantageous for an editor. Examine their testimonials, referrals, and previous work—if they have edited a book that became a bestseller, it is a positive indicator. In order to gain insight into their approach to your material, enquire whether they are willing to conduct a sample edit on a few pages of your book.


Editing will be more costly if you are under a constrained deadline and require a rapid turnaround.

Advantages Of Hiring Professional Book Editing Services

Are you sure whether you should hire an ebook editing service or not? The following are the benefits that will change your mind, so let’s take a look.

No Room For Error

Hiring a book editor will assist in the identification of any errors that may have escaped your attention. They ensure that the language you use is accurate and rectify your grammatical errors.

Additionally, book editors ensure that your vocabulary is diverse but also easier to comprehend. The book’s theme is reflected in the consistent tone that they maintain.

Book editors will also assist you in modifying your manuscript in accordance with the publication’s guidelines, as they have extensive experience in the field of book publishing.

Multiple Opinions

Not only will a professional book editor identify errors in your manuscript, but they will also provide an opinion or editorial review of your entire manuscript.

Editors can also identify any plot gaps in your narrative and assist you in enhancing the interest and engagement of your writing for readers.

They will offer constructive criticism and appreciation to help you refine your writing abilities. Their critique will elevate your book from satisfactory to exceptional and equip you for future writing endeavours.

Helps You Put Up The Best Work

Although it may be a challenging and time-consuming procedure, the reward is worth it if your book is remembered for years after you’ve finished writing it.

A professional book editor will do more than just give you comments; they will also assist you in showcasing your finest work and leaving a memorable impact on readers.

In addition to helping you attract new readers, they will solidify your reputation as a reliable writer who intends to stay in the game.

Saves Energy And Time

Expert book editors have worked with countless authors over the years and know exactly what to do to ensure that their clients’ manuscripts are polished and ready for publication.

Because of their extensive training, they will treat your manuscript with the utmost care because they know how precious your work is to you.

If you’ve never written a children’s book before, for example, you might be unsure if the subject matter and voice are suitable for a younger readership.

Then, it’s time to hire a children’s book editor so you can stop spending so much time proofreading and focus on more important things, like marketing your book.

Their feedback will highlight your strengths and areas for improvement, allowing you to refine your writing skills for future endeavours.

Makes It Stress-Free

You may not immediately worry about spelling and grammar mistakes after devoting weeks, months, or even an entire year to writing and composing your book.

You may be experiencing writer’s block and be too tired to devote any more attention to your novel at this point.

Another scenario is that you just do not have the time to fix your book before moving on to marketing, drawings, cover design, or publishing.

Seek for ebook editing services that will assist you in progressing through the publishing process instead of falling down on yourself because your appearance isn’t flawless.

Improves Writing Skills

Book editing services also play the role of ebook writing services as they help you improve your writing skills. Editors play an important role in the writing process, particularly for aspiring authors. If you want your book proofread and edited by a professional who can also offer advice on how to improve your writing, hiring an editor is a great investment.

You can trust that the comments you receive from them will be objective and useful in achieving your objectives. You will benefit from their knowledge and insight gained over the years, and they will also teach you something new.

Eases Submission Procedure

Not only do professional editors improve writing skills, they also play a role as book publishing services as they make submission easier and faster. 

Every writer dreams of having their books published, sold, and embraced. However, standing out from the crowd of ambitious and gifted authors could be challenging.

If your work is good and the publishing platform is popular, they will distribute your book to the correct locations, and your book may even become a hit.

Since this is the case, you need to really shine if you want to land a job at your ideal publishing business. To get this done for you, hire a professional book editor.

In addition to correcting any technical errors, they will get your book ready to be submitted and follow the publisher’s standards for publication.

Industry Insights

By working with an editor, you can ensure that your book is error-free and get their take on current trends in the industry.

They will also provide light on the publication process, the marketing tactics that could benefit you, and the manner in which you should approach your writing.

An editor who specialises in books should also serve as a consultant, as they know what authors like you find successful and how to take your work to the next level.

Perfects Manuscript’s Structure

Your book will be properly structured and organised by a competent editor. The editorial feedback you receive will be invaluable in shaping your book’s ideal structure and determining which aspects are most and least crucial.

For instance, if you use the services of a children’s book editor, they will outline your book in a way that is easier for younger readers to understand and will eliminate any parts that are inappropriate or too complex for children.

Increases Success Chances

You can enhance your writing and make it great for publication companies and your target audience by hiring a book editor.

Your work must stand out from the millions that these publishing outlets receive.

That can only occur if it is visually appealing, well-structured, and written with care. A professional book editor may take care of all of this on your behalf, increasing the likelihood that your work will be recognised as an author.

Characteristics A Great Book Editor Should Have

You are asking someone to help complete your dream project, so you must want to ensure that you are choosing the right professional. Having said that, here are the qualities of a great book editor:

Communication Skills

While editors do their own jobs, they are never truly alone.

Writing assignments submitted by authors to publishing houses are a common thread in most forms of editing. These communities may have different requirements, and members of one may not understand the lingo used by the other.

It is your responsibility as an editor to make sure that your comments and recommendations are understood by all parties. Being able to adjust is a result of your great communication skills.

Relevancy And Familiarity

You might have thought there was a simple set of rules about punctuation, grammar, spelling, etc., if you’re new to this. But style, or personal preference, determines a great deal of English usage.

Being well-versed in the most popular style guides, such as Chicago, MLA, or APA, will help you stay consistent with your client’s preferences in a document.

Language Proficiency

To effectively edit various sorts of content and to have the communication abilities we mentioned, one must have a solid grasp of syntax and a large vocabulary.

For instance, as an editor, it’s not enough to simply recognise that a sentence sounds incorrect; you must also comprehend the reasons behind this feeling.

Time Management

In editing, meeting deadlines is of the utmost importance. If you’re copyediting a book for a publisher or proofreading a student’s dissertation, your customer will likely have their own deadlines that need the work done by a specific date.
It is critical to have good time management skills. To avoid taking on projects that you won’t be able to do in a timely or satisfactory manner, it’s a good idea to keep track of how long it takes you to finish different types of projects.


When it comes to adapting, competent editors must be able to modify their methods to suit different genres, styles, and audiences.

If you’re not an expert in just one thing, you’ll need to be versatile enough to satisfy the demands of each project by adjusting your style, tone, or area of knowledge.

Attention To Detail

There are certain grammar, punctuation, and spelling regulations that are universally applicable, and an adept editor will possess a keen eye for identifying and rectifying such errors.

In order to become an effective editor, it is necessary to prioritise consistency in addition to accuracy. The details that must be consistent are not limited to language and style; you may also need to maintain account of plot points, character descriptions, locations, and timelines. While maintaining a style document can assist in maintaining awareness of these details, it is essential for a competent editor to be cognisant of them from the outset.


The majority of individuals may anticipate that an editor would possess an understanding of the principles of writing. A competent editor will employ these abilities in a creative manner to enhance the flow of a work and make it more engaging for the reader.

In your capacity as a fiction editor, you will be able to provide recommendations for enhancing the pace, sentiment, and narrative distance of a novel through the creative use of language and sentence structure.

Critical Thinking

To ensure that the material satisfies the requirements of the author, the publisher, and the readers, an excellent editor must be able to critically examine it, spot problems and possible problems (such as copyright and plagiarism), and propose solutions.

As an editor, you get an advantage over the writer in this situation because you are not personally involved in writing. You need to put yourself in the shoes of the writer (to figure out their aim) and the reader’s to fully appreciate that benefit.

Research Skills

As an editor, having a natural curiosity is an asset, and being able to conduct thorough research can further strengthen that trait.

A competent editor does more than just channel what would have been pointless curiosity into something beneficial; they also review facts and sources to make sure the content is accurate and credible.

Your writer and publisher clients would much appreciate this talent because it requires you to know how to identify reputable sources.

Knowledge Of Tools

Not every writer or publisher is proficient with or even uses the same technologies. The ability to handle such diversity is a hallmark of a competent editor.

We are all aware of the time wasted when IT is malfunctioning; as many editors operate independently as freelancers, this means they must also act as their own IT department.

Using tools and software to tackle some monotonous chores might free up your time and energy to focus on areas that require your professional judgement. However, technology cannot replace human involvement in editing, especially when it comes to empathy and curiosity.


As an editor, it is critical to grasp the writer’s objective and recommend revisions while maintaining their voice.

You will require empathy in more places than simply the document revisions that have been proposed. By providing helpful criticism, a skilled editor demonstrates their appreciation for the writer’s work. While providing constructive criticism, they are careful to note the positive aspects as well.

As an editor, having empathy will not only help you do a better job, but it will also set the stage for a productive relationship with writers.


An editor’s ability to interact with varied material and offer insightful criticism depends on his or her breadth of interest.

Curiosity regarding language and style is likely to be a part of this. For instance, could we use a more powerful verb in this situation? After the colon, shouldn’t it have been a capital?

Wondering about many things is a natural part of becoming a good editor. An excellent editor will be curious enough to find problems that could make a piece of writing better—and will also be able to save the writer from embarrassment.


Considering all the extra steps we’ve mentioned so far, editing is a very labour-intensive procedure that requires a great deal of patience.

You might have to review the same paragraph a few times before you get the author’s changes. Maintaining a courteous demeanour and following a methodical approach are essential.

Room For Improvement

Another important trait of a skilled editor is their dedication to always improving their skills.

Blogs have been around since 1994, yet not long ago, no one had heard of them. Technology, style rules, and content formats are always evolving. If you want to be of the greatest service to authors and publishers, and more importantly, readers, you need to be flexible and open to new ideas.

Reasons To Hire A Professional Publishing Service

From book publishing services to book SEO services, each service has its importance in the digital world of books. When you have finalised your book, the next step is publishing, which is why we have come up with the following tips to help you choose the right service.


When compared to books published by established publishers, self-published novels may struggle to gain readers’ confidence and renown. There is a common belief among readers, booksellers, and libraries that books that have been professionally published are more reliable and appealing since they have been through rigorous editing, quality checks, and design processes. This credibility might be crucial for writers who want to establish a strong reputation and cultivate a loyal readership.


In order to generate interest in and acknowledgement for a book, effective marketing and promotion are crucial, because distribution alone isn’t enough. An expert publisher may help an author reach their target audience through targeted marketing initiatives such as press releases, internet ads, social media campaigns, and email newsletters.

This systematic approach ensures that the book is read by individuals who are most likely to be interested in its content.

By knowing which marketing approaches work best for certain types of consumers and genres, seasoned publishers can bring priceless insight to the table. Authors can use their current networks and marketing resources to help sustain awareness over time and develop momentum for a book launch.

Using a publisher’s marketing expertise gives authors a distinct advantage when it comes to growing their following and readership.


Due to the need to hire distribution companies, editors, designers, and book marketing experts, independent book publication may be a time-consuming and costly process. Hiring a professional book publishing firm can often improve the efficiency and decrease the cost of these processes by streamlining them. When authors work with publishers, they don’t have to worry about coordinating with several vendors for editing, design, and delivery.

Financial challenges, such as unexpected expenses or wasteful marketing expenditures, are something that writers who self-publish often face. By following a publisher’s set methods, they are able to avoid these problems. Professional publishers offer a more efficient and cost-effective way of handling the full publication process. This allows authors to focus on writing while their book is properly realised.

Industry Knowledge

It can be challenging to stay on top of the ever-changing tastes and trends in the publishing industry. With the abundance of industry knowledge and insights provided by a professional publisher, authors are able to make educated judgements on their works. When it comes to knowing what readers desire in specific genres, as well as understanding market demands and genre trends, publishers are on top of their game.

This knowledge allows publishers to strategically distribute books, giving them an edge in a competitive market. Collaborating with a publisher provides authors with valuable insights and strategies to enhance the visibility and audience for their books. This level of knowledge about the field, gained via working in it for a while, is a great asset that helps writers succeed and avoid common mistakes.

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